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Research Support

The farmer's helping hand…


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Major universities and research institutions annually conduct extensive research projects throughout the producing regions to assist growers.  This “applied research" covers every phase of production. 

Unique to the US is the role and function of the Cooperative Extension Service.  The extension service has offices in counties throughout the growing areas staffed by county agents.  The county agents are the direct and immediate link between university researchers and growers.  They provide farmers with the latest research-based information and recommendations on the best varieties and production practices to employ based on individual field conditions.  They also inform and assist growers to comply with the ever-changing industry regulations and requirements.

When a problem arises during the growing season, US farmers can reach out to the extension agents for a helping hand to solve it.    

Dr. Richard Linton, Dean of CALS/NCSU

PLAY Dr. Richard Linton, Dean CAL/NCSU


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