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Where We Work

Your Facility or Ours?

That is up to you!  We provide “on site” assistance at your facility or we utilize USA facilities to provide the education and training necessary to accomplish mutual objectives.  Having taught thousands of participants worldwide on the superior quality aspects of US flue-cured tobacco and its use, we are constantly searching the globe for new partners who want THE benefit from our tobacco and TO benefit from our assistance programs. [READ LESS]

Tobacco Associates is truly an international organization, having traveled to and conducted market development activities in over 50 countries worldwide.  Our representatives attend industry trade shows and conferences, conduct on-site personal visits with potential customers, and work with our current partners in their facilities.  If not abroad, then we welcome our partners to visit our headquarters located in Raleigh, North Carolina USA near the center of the US tobacco industry. Where We Work is your place or ours… we will be happy to be your host or your guest in discussing how US flue-cured and Tobacco Associates can partner in your success.

